1K/1DK / 56.00m2
1K/1DK / 63.44m2
1K/1DK / 61.85m2
1K/1DK / 69.50m2
1K/1DK / 56.43m2
1K/1DK / 56.4m2
1K/1DK / 58.13m2
1K/1DK / 62.06m2
1K/1DK / 78.65m2
1K/1DK / 68.98m2
1K/1DK / 75.84m2
1K/1DK / 40.26m2
1K/1DK / 72.19m2
1K/1DK / 25.20m2
1K/1DK / 94.96m2
1698 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 西南 | 1K/1DK | 56.00m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
1580 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 东南 | 1K/1DK | 63.44m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
800 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 南 | 1K/1DK | 61.85m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
1880 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 西南 | 1K/1DK | 69.50m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
2070 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 东 | 1K/1DK | 56.43m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
1990 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 东南 | 1K/1DK | 56.4m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
1690 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 东 | 1K/1DK | 58.13m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
1980 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 南 | 1K/1DK | 62.06m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
3080 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 东南 | 1K/1DK | 78.65m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
2180 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 南 | 1K/1DK | 68.98m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
8080 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 东南 | 1K/1DK | 75.84m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
4980 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 东南 | 1K/1DK | 40.26m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
6980 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 西南 | 1K/1DK | 72.19m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
3380 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 南 | 1K/1DK | 25.20m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
17500 ten thousand Yen
Annualized income :%Property type | orientation | House type | Housing area | Housing situation | Land rights |
Apartment | 南 | 1K/1DK | 94.96m2 | 新房 | 所有权 |
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